The Application Online Portal is open from
August 1 – November 15 each year
We dream of a world where women and girls have the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential, live free from violence, and live their dreams.
We believe that education is the most powerful tool for women to transform their lives.
Our Live Your Dream Awards provide grants to women who have overcome obstacles and are trying to get their lives back on track, build a better life and lift themselves and their families out of poverty through education and skills training.
Each year, more than $2.1 million in education grants are awarded to nearly 1,500 women who have overcome obstacles such as poverty, violence, teen pregnancy, addiction, mental health issues, or the death of a family member. Live Your Dream Awards recipients may use the cash award to offset costs associated with their efforts to attain education, such as books, childcare, tuition and transportation.
Eligible applicants must provide the primary financial support for their families, be enrolled in or accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program, and must demonstrate financial need.
Cash grant offered via the Online Application Portal
You can submit your application for the
Live Your Dream Award
via the Online Application Portal
beginning August 1
go to: http://bit.ly/LYDA-apply
Applications due November 15
The Eligibility Checklist is available HERE for your review.
Click HERE for the application for your review.
Click HERE for the reference form, for your review.
at: bit.ly/LYDA-apply